The Lancaster Group Approach

As the best in Branch Banking Solutions, learn how The Lancaster Group is different from the competition.
branch banking solutions

What Makes Us Different From The Competition

  • Technology cannot replace experience.
  • Because of all of our on-site work experience, we can identify the elements that make a branch location successful.
  • We select the exact location(s) for branch placement, not general areas
  • We do not design or build buildings and do not benefit in any way from our recommendations other than our professional fees
  • We conclusively identify courses of action and prioritize the order
  • We provide deposit and loan growth projections over a five-year period
  • Our performance track record is untouchable by any other firm
  • Our personnel are veterans of the financial institution industry and many have previous successful management careers in banking
  • We are specialists in branch and ATM optimization and branch and ATM feasibility and placement

Why You Should Utilize The Lancaster Group

We do not build or design buildings, sell real estate or do or sell anything that compromises our objectivity of branch and ATM placements.

Here are the reasons you should utilize The Lancaster Group to conduct a feasibility study for your area of interest in place of a build/design firm with a potentially lesser professional fee.

  1. We offer purely objective recommendations
  2. Our recommendations are not influenced by the potential profit derived from a construction project
  3. We will conclusively identify whether a location will be successful and will not recommend expansion if the area of interest does not have the potential to produce high performing branch offices
Branch Banking Solutions

The Lancaster Group Process

Step 1:

At TLG, we collect demographic, sociographic, and psychographic data from various sources. We compile this information into spreadsheets using ZIP codes, enabling us to analyze and identify the most promising areas for establishing successful financial institution branches.

Step 2:

We ask our client to provide us with information on their existing customer base by ZIP code for comparative analysis.

Step 3:

A crucial aspect of our feasibility study involves the creation of detailed maps showcasing the areas under analysis. These maps accurately pinpoint the exact locations of existing competitors, represented by yellow numbered dots. Additionally, our report book includes a comprehensive listing of these competitors' branch offices, presented in alphabetical order for easy reference.

Step 4:

We analyze the financial deposit growth data of competitors in a specific area over the past five years to evaluate their performance. By identifying competitors who have consistently shown high performing growth rates, we designate them as high performers. These high-performing competitors are highlighted on our maps with a red dot placed next to their numbered yellow dot.

Step 5:

This process also enables us to determine the total number of branch offices currently operating in the region. Utilizing this data, we develop a model that offers guidance to our clients and TLG staff on whether the area exceeds the national average for branch presence.


We facilitate a meeting with your management team to discuss your facility preferences, property options (lease or purchase), construction choices, size requirements, and more. Subsequently, we meticulously analyze all gathered information to tailor our approach to your specific needs.

Contact Us Today!

Take the next step…in planning your financial institution’s new office, relocation or expansion.

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Get Answers To Your Most Pressing Questions

After a detailed analysis of your financial institution and its markets, we can provide you with answers to some of your most pressing questions:

  • Should we branch at this time?
  • Are our branch offices strategically placed to optimize market share?
  • Are the conditions for branch expansion right?
  • Should we acquire a location in a strip mall or should we acquire land and invest in brick and mortar?
  • Should we open an LPO office first? What conditions justify this?
  • What conditions should be present to know that closure or branch merger is the right option?